IACP Forum: Should I Stay or Should I Go? The “Forum” refers to the Networking and Educational Forum of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals, one of their annual events. Its 13th occurrence is October, 2012. We add these comments because we believe that...
Keys to Successful Mediation: Understanding Brain ...
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Mediators know all too well that their clients can take positional stances that are hostile and effectively block the creative thinking necessary to reach an equitable settlement. Positional stances taken by clients and their counsel are a natural result of the brain’s dual wiring for competition and cooperation. These processes are in-born; however, the competitive tendency is slightly stronger than the cooperative one and the parts of the brain used for each are protected in very different ways. The competitive instinct is well protected between the temporal lobe and cerebral cortex hidden in the fold. The cooperative tendency depends...
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