Ms. Gladel gives an overview of the history of Collaborative Practice in France, from its origins in the work of two Harvard Law professors to the application in the French system. She notes that the traditional system can be fraught with delays that ultimately violate the petitioners human rights and that the Collaborative method is growing because of its ability to work with the parties more efficiently without the restrictions of the court docket. The goals, advantages and processes are clearly defined and illustrated with charts and diagrams for clarity. Collaborative is also compared to other ADR methods to demonstrate the...
Talking With…. Lynda Robbins, IACP President
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Lynda talks about several questions, including some submitted from our readers, such as What is IACP? What does it do for its members? How does it support the growth of CP around the world? the growth into ‘other than divorce’ areas? If I’m not a professional, why should I care about IACP? What can I get from a visit to the website? Why should I care if my professional is a member or not? Have more questions? Post them as a comment below and we’ll approach Lynda again as soon as she’s available. Among the resources Lynda mentions as available on the IACP website is this video Collaborative Divorce:...
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