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The World of Collaborative Practice is an online magazine where professionals may submit scholarly articles for publication, practitioners may comment and communicate with each other about topics in Collaborative Practice, where the latest books can be reviewed, where you can see and hear leading experts, where laypeople may learn about this new way of approaching divorce and civil disputes and where people around the globe will be connected with ideas, trainings, services and others of similar mind.
The World of Collaborative Practice invites you to be a part of a new venture and to connect with professionals and laypeople around the globe who are interested in this exciting new way of seeing and thinking about dispute resolution.
We are preparing to meet a need for scholarly work in the field of Collaborative Practice, the ability to comment and connect with colleagues around the globe, experience videos and audios that will be appropriate for professionals and laypeople, and for training and educational purposes.
This publication will be free to all. Feel free to give your clients access to this exciting new forum as well. We will be adding RSS and other distribution ‘feeds’ as well.
Sign up here for our mailing list if you’d like hear about our new articles and growth!
The beauty of an on-line magazine/journal is that the content can evolve. When you visit The World of Collaborative Practice, you will find the following types of materials:
- Professional articles that have been written by experts in the field
- Video and audio interviews with collaborative practitioners
- Video trainings
- Audio programs explaining collaborative practice to lay people
- Book or other reviews relevant to collaborative practice
- A feedback system that allows readers to comment on any of the content and develop a dialogue about issues relating to collaborative practice
We welcome YOUR submissions for review and possible inclusion!
Click here for submission details and requirements.
The World of Collaborative Practice will let you reach an international audience through sponsorship where you can highlight your practice group, trainings, and programs as well as attract clients to your site.
The World of Collaborative Practice will accept advertising from services and organizations that serve the collaborative community allowing you to reach around the globe and will provide a place for you to post professional and staff openings that will allow you to attract top talent trained in and interested in working within a collaborative community.
Share your thoughts here and in your network.