You like Collaborative Practice but struggle with the question… Can I make a living doing this? Woody and carl Michael talk about their combined 25+ years as full time peacemakers. What does it take? What are the ‘risks’? What are the ‘rewards’? Woody offers...
The Harvard Principled Negotiation
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A Question and Answer session with Florence Gladel, the European pioneer on the subject of “The Harvard Principled Negotiation”. Avocat Gladel will be presenting on this topic at the Ordre Des Avocats Du Barreau De Paris (Paris Bar Association) on July 6, 2012 in Paris. The workshop is titled “The Harvard Principled Negotiation” She would be delighted to have you attend and discuss collaborative practice in France. What is the Harvard Principle Negotiation? Florence GLADEL: Roger Fischer and William Ury, two US lawyers and professors at Harvard, are the authors of the seminal book Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving...
Talking With….Woody Mosten, 7
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What skills and attitudes are involved in being a Collaborative Practice professional? In being a ‘peacemaker’? How do we work with others who might have ‘slipped’ from their best attitudes and skills? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment section below. Today’s Guest: Mark B. Baer, JD Pasadena, CA Here’s a piece by Mark that we’ve published. (Would you like to join us for a future conversation? We’ll have room for up to four people. Sign up here for our email list. We send out notices and details of when and how you can join in the discussion.)...
Talking With…. Woody Mosten, 6
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“I’m ‘collaborative’ and you’re not.” How do we work then that comes up? What does it mean? These questions are at the center of our discussion today. We first cover the situation of one professional not having received even Basic Collaborative Practice training. We talk as well about the role Practice Groups can play here. And we found that this is a topic that will likely carry us through several sessions. Later in the conversation we also talked about how that interplays with the differing challenges facing the members of each profession approaching Collaborative Practice. Don’t forget to...
Talking With…. Woody Mosten, 5
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How does a new trainee break into Collaborative Practice? How do Collaborative Practice and Mediation ‘relate’? Is one necessary or sufficient for the other? These questions are at the center of our discussion today. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment section below. Today’s Guests: Carol Miller, LCPC Downers Grove, IL Profile Kevin Scudder, JD Seattle, WA (Would you like to join us for our next conversation? We’ll have room for up to four people. Sign up here for our email list. We send out notices and details of when and how you can join in the discussion.)...
Shifting back into &...
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Working in Collaborative Practice involves a very different mindset from that with which many of us approach litigation. Often times something we say or do can be a very good cue for us to ask ourselves…. “how am I thinking? how am I looking at this? am I...
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