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Avoiding The Destructiveness Of Divorce
Joryn Jenkins has offered us another volume in which she “… demonstrates how to avoid the lasting effects of the destruction caused by the divorce court process, recounting actual events as she witnessed them unfold, both the divorce wars fought in the courtroom, as well as the peaceful divorces negotiated at the conference table, and revealing the alternatives, so that the lay reader can make his own informed choices.”
Her new offering, I Never Saw My Father Again, has already gained much praise:
Joryn’s first book was a page turner for me, and this book has been a page-flipper! If you’ve ever been through a divorce, you know how gut wrenching the process can be. Someone once told me that not everyone regrets getting divorced, but almost everyone regrets how they got divorced; in this second book, Joryn’s own perspective of how her parents split, the ramification on her family, and how it shaped her personal and professional life is a story I wish I would have read in my 20’s. It brought home the intensity of a child’s experience, the value of good communication, and what we face losing in a difficult divorce. It also illustrates the value of the collaborative divorce; something that will, literally, change the world.Dani McVety, DVM, Co-Founder & CEO – www.LapofLove.com
If you are contemplating the dissolution of your marriage, or if you work professionally with divorce, proceed no further until you have read I Never Saw My Father Again. This book is a dissection of the legal and psychological pitfalls of modern divorce when conducted the old combative way, and a tour de force in support of a far more tolerable collaborative way. As a former judge who has tried many stressful matrimonial cases and who has had the privilege and joy of working with Joryn Jenkins, I can assert unequivocally that this book is a gem. It is quite literally the life’s lessons of one of America’s most understanding and big-hearted divorce lawyers. You will laugh and cry; but you will not forget the wisdom in this book.
– Hon. Andrew P. Napolitano, Senior Judicial Analyst, Fox News Channel; former Judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey.
Like her first book, War or Peace, Joryn has produced another compelling read for anyone contemplating divorce. Now 35 years in trial practice, Joryn presents a lifetime of easy-to-read narratives to seal her argument that families don’t belong in the courtroom. Commencing with the consequence of her own parents’ divorce, I Never Saw My Father Again illustrates how parents can choose to avoid the destruction caused by the divorce court process, and opt instead to reconstruct their family systems, at the same time, learning to communicate more effectively, problem solve more productively, and co-parent in their children’s best interests.
– Laura A. Wasser, divorce attorney to the stars, author of It Doesn’t Have to Be That Way: How to Divorce Without Destroying Your Family or Bankrupting Yourself
Ofttimes someone facing divorce comes to it – based on recommendations from well-meaning friends, family, even professionals – with more than enough fear about what MIGHT happen if they are not excessive in their demands, aggressive in insisting they have ‘rights’ to some specific outcome, resistant to any concessions, and/or insistent upon punishment of the other person who’s ‘fault’ it is that any of this is happening.
In War or Peace, Joryn Jenkins has done a fine job of giving people insight into what WILL happen if they follow such a path. As well as how the Collaborative Practice process can support a divorcing couple in having discussions and reaching decisions that will actually meet their needs, and not just respond to their fears.
Using general information as well as a collection of tales that range from ‘dear god!” horrible to ‘awww’ heartwarming, Joryn has presented a volume here that anyone contemplating, facing or going through a divorce should definitely read to get a valuable sense on how, and why, to avoid slash and burn warfare.
Book authored by Joryn Jenkins, Collaborative Lawyer
Review by carl Michael rossi, JD, LPC
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