Joryn Jenkins has offered us another volume in which she “… demonstrates how to avoid the lasting effects of the destruction caused by the divorce court process, recounting actual events as she witnessed them unfold, both the divorce wars fought in the courtroom, as well as the...
Becoming a Collabora...
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A New Kind of Training for Collaboratively Trained Clinicians… Kate Scharff, LCSW-C, LICSW, Course Director Beginning in October, 2015 Even for experienced clinicians, becoming a Collaborative Divorce professional is a major undertaking. Learning to apply concepts and...
Linda Solomon Wins 2...
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Good news from our friends in Texas! You can check out our interview with Linda here: August 7, 2015 Linda Solomon Wins 2015 Gay G. Cox Collaborative Law Award Filed under: Collaborative Law Fundamentals The Collaborative Law Institute of Texas, a statewide organization of lawyers,...
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The process of divorce can be problematic for any couple, but it is particularly difficult for couples whose psychological well-being is threatened by the ending of the relationship. Many high-conflict couples find that when they have exhausted options in making their relationship work, their core anxieties are exacerbated by a divorce process that generally approaches separation in a zero-sum manner. This paper is describes who these couples are and explores why divorce is so threatening to their psychologies. An additional purpose is to propose an approach that facilitates an amicable separation. Such an approach involves a collaborative...
Peacemaking and Prof...
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You support the goals of professionalism and civility…..but ‘have you met my opponents in court??’ You’d love to shift your divorce practice away from litigation. Maybe you already ‘offer’ Collaborative Practice or Mediation services. But you don’t...
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